Elon Musk loves boobs


Welcome to the world of $BOOBS – where the fun never stops and the vibes are always boob-tastic!

At $BOOBS, we’re on a mission to spread the love for boobs far and wide across the Kripto universe! Our token is more than just a meme – it’s a celebration of everything that makes boobs awesome! Whether you’re a die-hard fan or simply appreciate the beauty of the boobiverse.

Join us, bringing the boob vibes to everyone, everywhere! With $BOOBS, every day is a boobtastic journey! Let’s make some memories, share some laughs, and embrace the boob love like never before! Are you ready to get on board?


Email: [email protected]


Create a Wallet

download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to metamask.io.

Get Some ETH

have ETH in your wallet to switch to $BOOBS. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Connect to Uniswap. Go to app.uniswap.org in Google Chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $BOOBS token address into Uniswap, select Boobs, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Switch ETH for $BOOBS

Switch ETH for $BOOBS. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.



Token Supply:


No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.

LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced.


Phase 1: Meme

Phase 2: Vibe and HODL

Phase 3: Meme Takeover